Maternal Services


Pregnancy and a new baby can bring a range of emotions. Many new moms feel overwhelmed, sad, anxious, or exhausted at different times during their pregnancy and after the baby is born.

Research shows that 1 in 5 women in various stages of pregnancy and postpartum experience depression and anxiety. Sometimes these feelings go away on their own, but for many women these feelings can stick around and make it hard to carry out daily tasks, like caring for yourself or your family. You are not alone in those feelings. Having a trusted person to talk to can help you understand more about yourself and find strategies to help you cope. Having some space and time to speak openly about how you feel without judgement or criticism can make a huge difference too. 

If you or someone you care for is expereincing mental health concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out for help.

Pregnancy Complications, Loss, and Grief

Losing a pregnancy or an infant can be one of the most emotionally devastating events a person can experience. You may have feelings of sadness, despair, guilt, anger, and disbelief. You may also feel isolated and alone. It can be difficult to talk about your loss, even with your partner. 

Though well-meaning, your friends and family may not know how to comfort you or to help you express your grief. Whether you're experiencing loss that occurred early or late in your pregnancy, during/after birth, or complications with pregnancy, your feelings are real and valid. A safe space to share your grief, to express all of your emotions, and to heal can help you process can make a huge difference in moving forward. 

If you or someone you know is struggling with pregnancy complications or loss, therapy is a great resource to begin the healing journey.